Mir Balans, energetisch therapeut, helpt hoogsensitieve kinderen met energetische therapie.

Healings for children

If your child has difficulty sleeping or frequently wets the bed, if your toddler constantly seeks attention, is angry or sad, or if your child is withdrawn and reluctant to go outside, or if you have a teenager at home struggling with performance anxiety, energetic therapy can provide support. Healing sessions help your child get closer to themselves and improve self-acceptance.

High sensitive children

Children and teenagers may not always be able to articulate what is going on, but they may withdraw or express themselves in different ways. When dealing with high sensitivity, as well as conditions like autism, ADHD, and ADD, everything can feel more intense compared to others. As a child, you are not yet fully equipped to handle all the emotions and stimuli coming your way. With healings, I can help children learn to trust themselves and feel comfortable in their own skin again. Read more about energetic therapy and high sensitivity here.

Energetic therapy for children

Energy healings work well for highly sensitive individuals, as well as children with ADD, ADHD, autism, depression, and anxiety disorders. The treatments for children are fundamentally the same as those for adults. However, I focus more on different meridians and less on the chakras. Children’s chakras are not as developed as those of adults. During the first appointment, I combine the introduction with an aura healing. All sessions take place in an energetically cleansed space to minimize sensory distractions for the child. Remote treatments are also possible. By using a photo of the child, I establish energetic contact and can provide healing remotely while the child is lying in bed.

Healings till 10 years old

I tailor the holistic therapy to the child. Since longer healing sessions can be too intense for younger children, I usually have shorter treatment times with children.

Initial consultation and aura healing in energetically cleansed practice space in Arnhem or The Hague: 45 minutes for €60.
Aura healing for 20-30 minutes in person or remotely: €45.
10ml massage roller with DoTerra essential oil for grounding: €23.30

Treatment costs may be partially covered by health insurance, but the massage roller is not.hol

Healings for teenagers

Initial consultation and aura healing in energetically cleansed practice space in Arnhem or The Hague: one and a half hours for €80. Aura healing: half an hour in person or remotely: €55. 10ml massage roller with DoTerra essential oil for grounding: €23.30.

Treatment costs may be partially covered by health insurance, but the essential oil is not.

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